Volunteer with MineralsEd!
Are you a Geoscientist that is looking to share your passion with the next generation? MineralsEd is always on the lookout for industry volunteers for our Geoscientist in the Classroom program!
MineralsEd's volunteer Geoscience professionals visit with classrooms (vitrually or in-person) for 20-60 minutes to talk about their experiences as a geoscientist and other Earth science topics such as rocks and minerals, the rock cycle, local geology, earth history, careers, and more!
Time and dates of workshops are flexible and there is no commitment, only sign up for the requests that fit into your schedule! Please note that the majority of requests will be from Grade 4-6 classrooms. If you have not presented to this age level before and would like some direction, please let us know and we are happy to help!
Apply now!
*Program is open to geoscience graduates with at least one year of industry experience. If you are a student looking for volunteer oppourtunities please email us at info@mineralsed.ca about availalble oppourtunities*