Exploring the Significance of Critical Minerals: A Focus on Canada and British Columbia
February 1, 2024
Critical minerals play a crucial but often overlooked role in powering our lives. These resources are the backbone of our technological advancements, renewable energy systems, and essential everyday products. Let’s explore the significance of critical minerals, why they matter globally, and shed light on Canada's unique position, focusing on our home province of British Columbia.
You may have never heard of critical minerals, but they are the unsung heroes that make our world go round. Surprisingly, not all critical minerals are minerals; most are individual elements. The key things to know about these materials are 1) they are unique and thus can’t be easily replaced with another material, 2) their supply can be disrupted, and 3) they often have industrial, technological, defence, and green energy applications. Critical minerals are necessary for these innovative technologies, from batteries and electric vehicles to wind turbines and medical equipment. Imagine a world without iPhones, Teslas, or our precious air fryers. Technological advances in telecommunications, renewable energy, energy storage, and transportation rely on critical minerals. While metal recycling can and should be used to offset a sole reliance on mining, the technology for recycling isn’t advanced enough yet. As recycling technology improves, we may be able to reduce our reliance on mineral extraction.
Canada has abundant reserves of critical minerals, making it an essential player in the global supply chain. The federal government has recently announced “The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy,” which highlights the advantage of our diverse resources in meeting growing international demand. British Columbia has critical minerals from mining and smelting operations, including copper, molybdenite, zinc, magnesite, and aluminum. In recent years, we have witnessed a surge in exploration focused on critical minerals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium, for example. Prospects like the Ni-Co Turnagain Project, developed by Gigametals, highlight the province's commitment to meeting the growing demand for these resources. With Canada and B.C.’s established business environment, innovative mining infrastructure, and strict environmental and safety regulations, we have become a trusted and responsible source of critical minerals.
Now that we’ve unravelled the importance of critical minerals, you may appreciate their vital role in our daily lives. Canada has a crucial role in meeting global demand with its abundant mineral resources. British Columbia, with its diverse geology and supportive mining ecosystem, is a key region within Canada to explore and extract critical minerals. Let's embrace the hidden power of critical minerals and their positive impact on the world around us.
My Mitacs Internship with MineralsEd by Courtney Onstad
July 5, 2023
Embarking on an internship can be a transformative experience, offering a unique opportunity to gain practical knowledge, expand professional skills, and build valuable connections. I recently had the privilege of undertaking an 8-month Mitacs internship with MineralsEd, a charitable organization dedicated to promoting mineral resource literacy among educators and students. Working closely with Jason and Sarah, I delved into the organization’s inner workings and witnessed firsthand the profound impact it can have on communities and schools. Join me as I reflect on my time and the unforgettable experiences that unfolded throughout my internship.
From day one, Jason and Sarah warmly welcomed me into the MineralsEd family. Their passion for their work was contagious, and their dedication to empowering educators and students with mineral resource knowledge was evident in every interaction. As mentors, they fostered an environment that encouraged creativity and collaboration, initiating thought-provoking discussions. Jason and Sarah's guidance played an instrumental role in shaping my internship experience and helped me develop both personally and professionally.
During my internship, I gained a comprehensive understanding of how a charitable organization like MineralsEd operates. I learned the importance of building strong relationships with stakeholders, engaging in community outreach, and fostering partnerships with industry professionals. Jason and Sarah allowed me to contribute to various aspects of the organization's work, including event planning, resource development, and project coordination. This hands-on involvement allowed me to witness the behind-the-scenes efforts required to drive meaningful change.
Throughout the eight months, I had the privilege of participating in numerous events organized by MineralsEd. One such event was the Mining Month Community Fair, where I witnessed firsthand the organization's commitment to engaging the broader community in understanding the significance of mineral resources. Through interactive displays and hands-on activities, the fair celebrated many Earth science and mining topics, from paleontology to drilling. Approximately 75 Exhibitors from not-for-profits, universities, mining companies, and museums welcomed over 250 students, teachers, and members of the public from across the Lower Mainland. Events like these genuinely prevail in bridging the gap between mining, the Earth sciences, and the public. By providing a glimpse into the captivating and interconnected world of geoscience and mining that we all know and love, we encourage young British Columbians to think about the Earth with a new inquiring mindset.
In addition to the Community Fair, MineralsEd also conducted a series of teacher professional development workshops. These workshops equipped educators with the necessary knowledge and resources to integrate mineral resources and Earth science into their curriculum effectively. It was inspiring to witness the enthusiasm and eagerness of the teachers as they embraced new ideas and pedagogical approaches. The dedication of MineralsEd to empowering educators and enhancing their capacity was truly commendable.
Moreover, MineralsEd organized engaging student workshops to ignite curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of minerals and mining. These workshops provide a hands-on learning experience, promote critical thinking and encourage students to explore potential careers in the industry. Witnessing the impact of these workshops on young minds was incredibly rewarding.
The pinnacle of my internship experience was the Association for Mineral Exploration’s annual RoundUp event. During the conference, experiential workshops, insightful presentations/panel discussions, and fun-filled activities were organized. This flagship event brought together industry professionals, educators, students, and community members to celebrate mineral resource literacy and its role in sustainable development and green energy. Witnessing teachers’ fascination with John Thompson’s talk on critical minerals and seeing the genuine elation in students’ eyes when they strike gold at Yukon Dan’s panning station validates all the planning that goes into these events. As a geoscience communication researcher, I sometimes forget the real-world impact that an intentional, engaging, and enlightening experience can have on audiences. This year’s RoundUp event was the best kind of reminder!
My Mitacs internship with MineralsEd was an invaluable experience that exceeded my expectations. Working alongside Jason and Sarah, I gained a comprehensive understanding of all the logistics behind their events, from sponsorships to activity design to evaluative techniques. With calls for greater mineral literacy, especially in youth, support for mineral literacy organizations via volunteers, resources, and funds will become increasingly critical.
A new type of "Green" Mining?
September 30, 2020
Sampling soil and extracting rocks aren’t the only way to find and mine mineral deposits!
Even back in ancient times, people recognized that certain types of plants are good indicators of hidden treasures below, but recently, companies and researchers have been studying ways to use this to help us discover and extract mineral resources.
Plants recieve all of their nutrients from the water and soil. When there is an abundance of metals in the soil due to the presence of a nearby mineral deposit, the plant will absorb some of these metal into its roots, leaves, flowers and other tissues. Certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, will actually preferentially absorb certain metals into their tissues, such that they will have a higher concentration of metals than the surrouding plants and soils. In fact, some plants have recently been discovered in a remote mining district in Indonesia to be such good hyperaccumulators that they actually “bleed” nickel-rich sap!
Material like bark, sap, leaves, and roots from hyperaccumulators can be tested for metal content to help exploration geologists find deeply buried minerals. These plants can even be planted near currently operating or former mine sites to help remediate the land and remove toxic metals from the soils.
Nickel-rich sap oozes from a hyperaccumulator plant
MineralsEd does not own the rights to any of the videos provided via links nor photos provided in the publication.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Geology!
December 19, 2018
If you’re looking for some holiday nostalgia with a touch of geology, we recommend you cozy up and watch the original 1964 stop action animation production of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer.
While watching the classic you’ll meet Yukon Cornelius who we think is the most “geared up” prospector this side of the Hudson Bay! The crafty Yukon Cornelius has a pick axe, snowshoes, shovel, and a coat that has plenty of pockets for collecting rocks. He even has popular geology accessories—a proper toque and big beard to keep him warm! All those tools prepare Cornelius for the elements as he keeps Rudolph and Hermey the Elf safe along their voyage.
If Cornelius’ habit of licking his pick axe has you feeling lost in a “fog as thick as peanut butter”—you’re not alone. While we have yet to meet many geologists who prospect by taste, the habit has confused viewers throughout the generations. In a final scene cut only one year after the original air date, we learn that Yukon Cornelius was really prospecting for a peppermint mine! The scene was added to video releases of the classic but for time constraints and commercial timing is not currently included in the version aired on television. Check out the full movie and final scene below!
MineralsEd does not own the rights to any of the videos provided via links nor photos provided in the publication.
Aleksandar Petrovic - Modern Mining in the Classroom
December 12, 2018
(Aleksandar Petrovic, Senior Process Engineer at Sedgman Canada Limited)
This is the 5th year MineralsEd is partnering with BC members of the Canadian Mineral Processors to offer “Modern Mining in the Classroom”, a guest speaker program for classes doing mining units this Spring. Students learn about the mining process, mineral processing techniques, and about the guest speaker’s career. The speakers enjoy this as much as the students and teachers. Read below the post of volunteer mineral process engineer, Aleks Petrovic, about his special presentation to his daughter’s class.
This post is several months overdue, but considering that school is back in session, its never really too late. Back in April, I was glad that I had a chance to give back to local Vancouver community again. Big thank you to MineralsEd for inviting me again and Sedgman for overwhelming support and for letting me take the time off from my busy schedule to visit 4/5 grade students at Lord Roberts Elementary school in Vancouver. It's always a pleasure to visit our youngest and brightest.
Short video of open pit blasting is always a huge hit, closely followed by the video of big loud Ball mills in action and the bronze medal definitively goes to the froth flotation video. I am happy to report that interactive part of my visit (flotation and gravity concentration demonstration) went considerably well as all students and my presentation materials were accounted for.Unlike two years ago, this year visit had entirely new dimension as I was presenting in my daughter’s class. Forget about the pressures & deadlines that we are facing in our daily work, it’s nothing compared to performing in front of your own child (seating right below me, wearing red shirt and grey vest).Thanks again MineralsEd , looking forward to do it all over again next year.
Les minéraux dans votre maison (Minerals in Your Home)
Both the Intermediate and Primary versions of MineralsEd's Minerals in Your Home activity book have recently been translated into French! Follow this link to our virtual library to dowloand a copy to share with your students.
MineralsEd's other activity books, "I am an Exploration Geologist," I am an Environmental Scientist, and "I am a Mining Engineer," are also available for download in multiple languages.
For teachers: Class sets of activity books are available for order under our orders page. MineralsEd will cover the cost to print the books, but we do require the cost of shipping to be covered by the purchaser. To avoid paying for postage, class sets can be picked up at the MineralsEd office--prior to visiting the office, please place the order and e-mail info@mineralsed.ca to ensure copies of the books are available.
Roxie Giles - 5th Annual Harbour Cruise
October 16, 2018
(MineralsEd Partner Teachers, from left to right: Roxie Giles, Bruce Kiloh, and Patty Kiloh)
This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of hosting the Natural Resources in Vancouver Harbour Cruise! This unique Professional Development opportunity takes teachers a boat tour of the port to give them a view of this natural resource hub via industry expert representatives. Roxie Giles, a MineralsEd Partner Teacher, in her 5th year of helping host the event and has shared her thoughts on the day.
As a retired teacher, I very much recall Pro-D experiences. The one provided by MineralsEd stands alone -not only is it “one of a kind”, it's one of the finest. MineralsEd does many things well, but “blowing their own horn” is not one, so I have asked this press release come your way. Thank you for supporting this annual event.
Sincerely Roxie Giles Retired Teacher, SD # 45 (West Vancouver)
On Friday, October 19th, 40,000 teachers throughout the province will be studying ways to implement new curriculum, engaging in dialogue with fellow educators, and promoting their desire to continue to be life-long learners. Sixty of these teachers will be charting a new learning curve as they participate in the MineralsEd field trip – the Natural Resources in Vancouver Harbour Cruise. Aboard the Harbour Princess these teachers will learn directly from people working in the waterfront operations in Burrard Inlet about their important work in the Port of Vancouver.
For the past 5 years, MineralsEd, an educational organization dedicated to Earth Science, mineral resources and mining education in school has organized this unique professional development opportunity. Thirteen representatives from harbour operations and the Port of Vancouver will join this group of elementary and secondary school teachers on the 4 hour tour, introducing teachers, many for the first time, to BC’s and Canada’s natural resources and resource industries and the importance of the port in global trade.
The aim is to dialogue with teachers, sharing where the resources come from, what they are used for, where they are being shipped, and the impact of these resources on the economy. With this chance to see first- hand and ask questions on the spot, the teachers digest and take this information and insight back into their classrooms to be shared with students.
Summer Cool Down
August 23, 2018
Summer is winding down and the start date for the 2018/2019 school year is in sight! All summer long, our team has been gearing up to support teachers and students throughout the upcoming school year.
Our team collected samples throughout the summer, across the Lower Mainland. Whether it was going out to Abbotsford to dig for sandstone and conglomerate at Kilgard Quarry, or up to North Van to hunt for granite, we have been on the move.
MineralsEd team member, Tea, has been hard at work washing, breaking to size, labeling, and bagging all of these rock samples. The rock samples become part of the kits we supply to teachers in our professional development workshops. Physical rocks to see, scratch, and sniff are especially helpful for tactual-kinesthetic learners and connect units on geosciences and mining to a tangible item.
In the name of Earth Sciences, Tea has processed over 120 support packages full of posters, books, and other resources; 132 rock kits consisting of 4,032 rock samples. Beyond rock processing, Tea has prepared all the products that support our workshops and field trips for the upcoming school year.
We wish all the best for Tea as she enters her second year at SFU in Earth Sciences! She truly is a Rock Star!
Thank you, Teachers and Rockin' Summer Activities
June 29, 2018
Teachers, as the 2017/2018 year comes to a close, MineralsEd would like to say thank you for your continued efforts to educate youth and prepare them for the future. Thank you for sharing your gift of teaching with students across BC!
As BC teachers take a break for the summer, students are gearing up for some rockin' summer fun! Take a look at our list of summer activities.
Last century, it was a working mine. Now, it's a national historic site and museum, turning out awe-inspiring sights and memorable family experiences. So much to see and do. Rumble aboard the mine train as it rolls into the dark. Learn from their fantastic tour guides! Pan for gold!
Take a hike and look at the geology along the way.
No matter where you are in the world, you can observe and learn more about the local natural history by looking at the rocks. Go on a hike and bring your handlens so you can look up close at the mountain outcrops along the way as well as the small pebbles beneath your feet.
Soak up some sun while collecting and classifying rocks at the beach.
Explore the wide variety of pebbles you can find along a beach! Use "A Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles" by Eileen Van der Flier-Keller, found at your local Chapters. This waterproof guide has photos to help identify over 28 different types of rocks.
Go on your own building stone tour.
Take a walk in your neighbourhood or your downtown to explore the rocks used to build or face buildings and walls. If you are in downtown Vancouver, take along a copy of our Downtown Vancouver Geotour Guide.
Highland Valley Copper Mine Tour & Open House
Highland Valley Copper will host a celebration for their 32nd Anniversary on August 6th! This is a family day showcasing the operations, with informational displays and entertainment. All summer long, Highland Valley Copper will have free public mine tours on Wednesdays at 10am.
Collect and recycle home electronics.
Check your cupboards and closets! Your old cellphones, old VHS players, broken hand mixer, and electric razor are all made of minerals from the Earth. Get Earth concious and gather these items up to take to your local recycling depot.
Travel to Barkerville to learn about BC mining!
Learn about life in a thriving mining town in BC’s early days and first gold rush. With a unique streetscape of 125+ heritage buildings, authentic displays, satellite museums, restaurants, shops and accommodations there is so much to explore! Visit the Barkerville website for daily programming and summer events.
Sustainability Sunday - Reclamation Activity
June 18, 2018
Yesterday we joined various outreach organizations to participate in a public fair for RFG 2018's Sustainability Sunday.
MineralsEd shared information on mine reclamation using an interactive copper mine model.
In the first photo you can see our open pit mine, up and running! There are access roads, a pit, a mill, a waste rock dump, and a tailings pond. We reviewed the mining and milling process from blasting and hauling, to the separation of concentrate from tailings by flotation.
Once the mine's ore body was depleted, we closed the mine and reclaimed the site. In the second photo you see the site restored to a more natural state to be used for wildlife habitat and recreation: 1. the buildings are removed, 2. the waste rock pile is covered with soil and re-vegetated, 3. the pit fills with ground and surface water, 4. the perimeter of the tailings pond is re-vegetated, fish are introduced, and water wells are tested for seepage, 5. a bird house is placed to encourage small birds 6. trees are placed upside down trees to provide predatory bird roosting.
Modern Mining in the Classroom - An industry partnership with Canadian Mineral Processors
May 31, 2018
As spring comes to a close, so does this year's round of Modern Mining in the Classroom.
This is the 4th year that the BC branch of the Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP) has championed and enlisted members as speakers for an in-the-classroom, outreach initiative. We successfully arranged industry guest speakers to share their expertise at 11 different Lower Mainland schools, reaching some 440 elementary students who are learning about mining or mineral resources. Since 2015 this industry partnership program has reached over 1,840 students.
Guest speakers do an engaging presentation on the mining process and talk about the nature of their own work in mining. They also demonstrate both froth flotation and magnetic separation--techniques that are used to recover different metals. This reinforces and enhances what the students are learning through their units.
Teachers and students appreciate meeting and learning from these “miners”, and the CMP volunteers enjoy the opportunity to share with the students.
This program is offered at no cost to the class, and we look forward to resuming this partnership program in the spring of 2019.
9th Annual BC Mining Month Community Fair - Western Canadian Coal
May 17, 2018
On May 16th we held our annual BC Mining Month Community Fair in Vancouver that was attended by nearly 550 students from Lower Mainland schools. More than 80 industry volunteers staffed the exhibits, demonstrations and hands-on activities, each and every one of them enjoying the opportunity to share with youth what they know about and love. Thank you to the teachers and parent volunteers for venturing out of the classroom for this special learning opportunity. See what our volunteers and industry partner, Western Canadian Coal, had to say about the Fair, below!
May 17, 2018
Written by Melanie MacKay, P.Geo
President at Western Canadian Coal Society, Coal Quality Specialist, Director at Ridley Terminals Inc.
May is BC Mining Month, and annual celebration of the importance of the modern mining industry to British Columbians. Details on what was happening around our province can be found at http://events.mining.bc.ca/. Volunteers from the Western Canadian Coal Society spent May 16th with MineralsEd at the BC Mining Month Community Fair in Vancouver, the second year we have been a part of this educational Fair for youth
The Community Fair was held at the Creekside Community Centre in Vancouver. It is geared toward elementary school students and we saw upwards of 525 students attend the fair this year. MineralsEd organized the event which hosted 30 learning stations on topics including mine reclamation, froth flotation, paleontology, mineral exploration, and assaying to name a few.
For those who don't know - MineralsEd (Mineral Resources Education Program of BC) was created to assist teachers in their development of educational materials to support teaching about minerals, mining and geoscience in the classroom. MineralsEd's goals are to foster a well-informed public through school education based on accurate and balanced minerals information, and to stimulate young peoples' interest in minerals industry careers.
The WCCS hosted a station where we taught students how coal is formed, where coal is mined in BC, typical uses of coal (Thermal and Metallurgical), ingredients used in the steel-making process and coal exports. Most students knew that coal was used for heating or in power generation, but NONE of them knew that it was used to make steel. We had a great day teaching about iron and steelmaking. Manning the WCCS directors, Mike Allen and Melanie Mackay. North Coal's Dave Thompson taught visitors at the Diamond Drilling station about exploring the subsurface for a deposit. Guy GIlron manned part of the Sustainablity Station, introducing students to what mine site reclamation entails.
Above photo, from left to right; Guy Gilron, MSc, RPBio, ICD.D (Borealis Environmental Consulting Inc.); Mike Allen (Norwest Corporation); Melanie MacKay, P.Geo (Trillium Geoscience Ltd.); Adriana Matesoi (Independant); Dave Thompson (North Coal Limited), P.Geo.
What we discovered was that children, even at the grade 7 level, have no preconceived ideas that mining is bad. They don't think that 'coal is dirty'. It's lovely to teach them about our industry because they are open to learning and have not yet been swayed by anti-mining groups or environmentalist campaigns. If ever there is a place to advocate for our industry this is the place. I should also add - these students are the future generations of environmental scientists, chemists, geologists, engineers, drillers, truck operators, and blasters.
We are truly lucky that MineralsEd exists. They are an unbiased resource where teachers can obtain up-to-date, technically correct resources to facilitate the teaching of mining and minerals in the classroom. What’s great for us as a mining community is that the future 'public' is getting educated, resulting in the best advocacy we could ask for.
Thank you MineralsEd, specifically Sheila Stenzel, for a fantastically organized event!
What do you learn when you visit a mine?
November 23, 2017
It was my great pleasure to accompany a group of 22 secondary teachers from Lower Mainland and Okanagan schools on a tour of Copper Mountain Mine near Princeton in mid-October, a tour organized by MineralsEd for teacher professional development. The day was full of unforgettable experiences – sitting in the cab of a haul truck, getting a near bird's eye view of the pit and travelling right into it to observe the large mining equipment, watching a blast, touring the mill, and learning about the people and their jobs. One of the special and unexpected moments was the reunion of DW Poppy teacher, Rory Allen, with a former student, Renee Gould, now a metallurgist at the mine. Teachers never know where they will cross paths with their former students!
Our group saw and learned many important facts about the Copper Mountain operation during our four hour visit.
Mining has gone on this area for nearly 100 years. The current mine was built in two years at a cost of $435 million, and opened in 2011.
More than 38,000 tonnes of ore are put through the mill every day; the ore is .2-.3% copper and contains gold and silver. The copper price is just above $3.00/lb, and the mining to market costs less than that, but not a great deal. Electricity to run the mill 24-7 is the greatest operating cost - $2.5 million per month.
The ore is related to ancient volcanism, hosted in island arc rocks emplaced onto North America and forming part of BC in the Mesozoic. Blasting in the pit is done at least once a day. There is a final 10 second countdown before the blast, and complete radio silence in the last 5 seconds.
The ore is very hard. To improve mill operations, the ore is crushed twice before it enters the mill. The mill is very NOISY. The overall milling process is quite straightforward: grind, float, dewater, dry, but there are many circuits in the mill to ensure the most effective recovery of copper concentrate and precious metals associated with it.
Every day, 8 to 10, double-trailer trucks haul copper concentrate to Vancouver Wharves in North Vancouver for shipment to a smelter in Japan.
As interesting and as important, was what we learned about the people who work at Copper Mountain. Their workforce comes from all over. This 24/7 operation employs ~430 people with an annual payroll is ~$50 million. The majority are trades, technicians, labourers or equipment operators; the majority are men. There are many opportunities to work your way up at the mine. Apprenticeship programs at Copper Mountain are promoted and well-supported, and offered to committed employees with a desire to develop specific skills.
Among the many people we met and who spoke to us on the tour:
Peter knows the regional geology well; he worked at the previous mine on the mountain, Similco, which closed in 1996 and has been on the team that brought this new mine into production.
Patrick, an engineer, hails from Sweden, but has worked elsewhere in BC and at Copper Mountain since it started up. (His wife is a school teacher in Princeton, attending the Super Conference in Vancouver that day.)
Russell, a young HD mechanic originally from Smithers, was happy to see our group visit the machine shop and tour the mine. He is concerned that people in the cities don’t know much about mining and don’t think it is important.
Sarah, one of the fulltime equipment operators, is also trained as the Dispatch for all the mobile equipment that is tracked by GPS and monitored via a single large screen in a room far from the pit.
Rob, a seasoned mining veteran who drove our tour bus, travelled worldwide with his family for his work in mining and is now the mobile equipment trainer at Copper Mountain.
Tanya, a young woman who had worked in a mine in the Kootenays before moving to Princeton, is a full time Hydraulic Shovel operator, but worked relief as the Lead Hand in the pit that day.
Kenny, one of three young men who shepherded us through the mill, is now one of the Mill Supervisors, having worked “from the bottom up”, as he put it, since the mine opened.
Don, the VP Operations, is a Newfoundlander whose path to mining began with a teenage interest in the metallurgy of mountain bike frames. His career has taken him many places, and he is proud of the Copper Mountain operation and all it contributes. He sincerely asked the teachers “what can we do to get young people interested in mining careers”, which sparked many constructive ideas.
They were all good people doing honourable work in a work place that is not familiar to almost everyone else. They come from different backgrounds and home towns, but become part of a team that contributes to the safe, efficient and productive operation of the mine. Change a few words, and the same can be said for the teachers who visited that day.
Lapis Lazuli, symbol of truth, wisdom and friendship
October 3, 2017
Lapis Lazuli is perhaps one of the most beautiful names for one of the most beautiful gemstones on Earth, and those words simply mean ‘blue stone”. Lapis lazuli is not a mineral, but rather a deep blue metamorphic rock that is made up mainly of the blue mineral lazurite, plus calcite and pyrite, which gives it its sparkle. In nature Lapis Lazuli occurs most commonly in association with marble that has been deformed and altered through contact metamorphism, that is, when carbonates are in contact with heat and fluids associated with an igneous intrusion.
Lapis Lazuli has caught the eye of humankind and been used for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptions created amulets from Lapis, and ground it for blue pigment for cosmetics. Cylinder seals made from Lapis were created by Assyrians and Babylonians. More than 6,000 beautifully executed lapis lazuli statuettes of birds, deer and rodents as well as dishes, beads and cylinder seals have been found in the Ancient Royal Sumerian tombs of Ur in Iraq.
Today, the finest quality Lapis Lazuli is mined in Afghanistan. It is primarily used to make sculptures and is cut and polished into cabochons, set in silver or gold and made into bracelets, necklaces and earrings. It is considered a symbol of friendship and is the commemorative stone for the 9th wedding anniversary.
Did you know that the most abundant minerals in Earth’s crust are feldspars? That is a significant fact and so worth understanding more about them.
Feldspar refers to a group of silicate minerals that contain different ratios of the elements potassium, sodium, and calcium in combination with silicon and oxygen. Feldspar is a main ingredient in granite (orange crystals in the polished sample, right) but it is common in all three main rock types. Depending on their composition, feldspars range in colour from pinkish orange to white, grey, green, blue and black. They are all light weight, very hard, shiny and break in two prominent cleavage directions.
Some varieties of feldspar are semi-precious gems. One that is special to Canada is Labradorite, named for its occurrence in Labrador. It is bluish-black or greenish-black, and displays a beautiful iridescence (middle photo, right).
Large deposits of gabbro containing this beautiful mineral are commonly called (but not properly named) black granite. It is quarried for decorative facing stone on buildings and countertops (bottom photo, right).
Run of the mill feldspar is mined in many places all over the world, extracted from granites, pegmatites and certain sandstones. It is considered an industrial mineral that is used in the manufacture of glass, in ceramic glazes, paints, and a host of other familiar materials we use every day.
Molybdenite – moly for short - is another essential mineral. Its key ingredient is the element molybdenum (Mo) that is combined with sulphur. Molybdenite commonly occurs with other metal sulphides, especially copper. A number of metal mines in BC produce moly concentrate.
Moly is silvery grey, very soft, like graphite, and slippery. No surprise that it is useful as a lubricant, particularly in high temperature applications, such as big engines. Surprisingly, moly added to steel improves the alloy's strength, toughness, resistance to wear and corrosion, and hardness.
Molybdenum is also essential to all life. Bolstering food production, molybdenum is used by bacteria in soil to turn nitrogen into a form that plants can use to promote healthy growth and better crop production. In humans and other animals, molybdenum is an essential trace element, part of specific enzymes involved in metabolism of protein, detoxifying cells of sulfite, and other processes.
We get the molybdenum we need through our food. Good sources of molybdenum in our diets are leafy vegetables and legumes. The molybdenum in those foods and many others, comes from the breakdown of moly minerals, like molybdenite, in the soil.
If there was ever a mineral that we cannot live without it is sphalerite! Its key ingredient is the element zinc. Zinc, also known as the great protector, has many uses, the most familiar being as a coating of steel to prevent it from rusting. But zinc oxide is also an ingredient in sunscreen and diaper ointment, and zinc is alloyed with copper to make brass.
Zinc is essential to all living things, including us. It is used to generate cells, to make our bones and organs grow, and to develop healthy functioning brains. We ingest zinc in our food – especially things like meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, and dairy. Whether we eat plants or animals, the zinc ultimately comes from minerals broken down in the soil.
The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people do not have enough zinc in their diets because their diets are mostly plant-based and/or the soils in the region are zinc poor. Many organizations are partnering with zinc-producers, including Vancouver-based Teck Resources, to provide zinc therapies and supplements to those in need, to add zinc to fertilizers to improve poor soils, and to fortify food products, such flour and rice, to improve nutrition and health around the world.