Donors and Supporters
MineralsEd programs and resources are financially supported by charitable contributions from companies and businesses, professional groups, industry associations and individuals who believe in the importance of education in sustaining the modern minerals industry. Major mining companies and mine suppliers provide the backbone of support. Pledges secured in 5-year campaigns since 2000 have supported robust annual programming and allowed for longer term planning.
MineralsEd Board of Trustees established the MREPBC Endowment Fund in 2004 to provide a permanent source of income for MineralsEd's annual operations. It was seeded with a $100,000 donation from Hunter Dickinson Inc. and has grown to $4.2 million, thanks in large part to a 5-year matching funds pledge from Teck Resources Ltd. to contribute up to $200,000 annually, and to generous personal donations for Robert Dickinson and Ronald Thiessen in 2010.
MineralsEd also relies on in-kind donations of materials and expertise for quality programs and resources. In-kind donations have included everything from rocks and minerals to videos and posters and revegetation seed mixes. Innumerable industry-partners also volunteer their time to be guest speakers, lead Pro-D field trips, visit schools, advise on the technical content in teaching materials, and help with MineralsEd’s educational events like the BC Mining Month Community Fair.
Donors to MineralsEd 2025 Programs
Donations are accepted at all times. Personal and corporate donations may be mailed directly to MineralsEd using the MineralsEd Donation Form. Donations of public shares to MineralsEd through Haywood Securities may be done using the MineralsEd Canadian Securities Donation Form. A tax receipt will be issued for donations of $20.00 and more.
Online donations to MineralsEd may be made through Canada Helps. Canada Helps will issue your tax receipt and forward the donation and your information to MineralsEd.